I was fully expecting to have the "why did I do that" regret after 24 hours - but given the experience so far - including the transfer of my mobile number to AT&T - there will be no regret. In fact, I may need two of them ;) The only thing that almost ruined the experience was that the iPhone actually would NOT activate using my home Mac... it requires OS/X 10.4 (I'm on 10.3) even though the newest iTunes version (7.3) installed/works find on my OS. So... without hesitation, I used my IBM Laptop with iTunes installed and, bang. Done.
If I had to pick my favorite experiences in the first 12 hours since activation, it would have to be first the reading of my GMail account via POP. The speed was great (full signal from home now - unlike my pathetic 2 bars from T-Mobile) and the zoom-in capability (I love that!) gave me easy access to my first PDF (the invoice from the Apple Store!).
The other obvious highlight is MAPS... the pics in this post show it as good as I could in a minute or two... i can create my own maps using My Maps - and then access it on the road... I created one for a tour of NYC a few months ago - and that's the one shown in these pics. wow.
More to come on this, I'm sure.
Enjoy your new toy!
In the words of our late & great leader "RFM" :-)
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